Нow to set yourself up for easy fulfilment of your wishes in the New Year? And whom will 2025 help? We talked about this and not only with our permanent expert, authoritative atmologist EVA ISCHENKO. In addition, Mrs. Eva shared the results of the implementation of the grand Atmaproject «New Ukraine» and told how to take care of your own Light Protection and help those on the front!

– Mrs. Eva, summing up the results of 2024, what are you most proud of?
– This year was special for me, because at the International Academy of Atmology we focused on the development and implementation of the large-scale social atma project «New Ukraine». Its main idea is to help people realize their own inner strength and understand that no external circumstances can overshadow our essence. Each of us is the creator of our own reality, and together we will co-create a new life. We strive to support everyone in finding harmony with themselves and the world around them, to strengthen their inner support and to expand the vision of their personal vocation in society.
In 2024, we laid a strong foundation for this program: we developed thematic training courses and various useful products. It was especially valuable that Ukrainians from different countries joined the process, forming a single network of «their» people – hearts united by love for Ukraine and the desire to actively work on building a strong, independent and prosperous state.
It is also inspiring that more and more people are not only listening, but also starting to use modern technologies and quantum techniques to change themselves and their lives for the better. This proves that Ukrainian society is waking up, growing up and realizing that our common future depends primarily on ourselves. For me, this is a real victory, because deep changes in society are impossible without changes in consciousness.
Now we look to 2025 with even greater faith and determination and plan to unite the efforts of numerous volunteers, charitable organizations and educators who help spread the ideas of the «New Ukraine» throughout the country. Our goal is to create a new space where everyone will feel part of a larger community and receive support on the way to their development. It was this year that laid the foundations for the further development of the platform, which will provide a systemic vision and understanding of human development in modern realities.
– What should we expect from 2025?
– At Atmalogy, we always look at the issue of forecasts integratively. If you analyse the energy of 2025, then numerologically it is the year of the number 9, in Feng Shui it is the period of Fiery Yang, and the symbol of the next year is a green snake, which embodies birth and wisdom. Nine is often associated with spiritual fullness (a kind of «Three-Ninth Kingdom»), after which comes the «Three-Tenth (forty) State» – new space and new opportunities.
On the moral and social levels, the political games of the «powers of this world» are becoming more and more apparent. However, we see the growing maturity of society: truth and goodness make us freer, and those who live in lies are increasingly losing their own positions. From the point of view of karma, Russia has already accumulated enough negative «charge» and we are watching how it starts to boomerang back to her.
From the perspective of Atmalogy, taking into account all these factors, the year 2025 will favour those who are on the path of spiritual growth, enlightenment and union in a common Spirit. And our Spirit is united by love for Ukraine – therefore, we must remain mature, strong and wise in order to create our future together.
– The New Year’s miracle is able to fulfill all wishes: how to set them correctly?
– Remember that the New Year’s miracle begins with us. When we are open to the world, our dreams gain enormous power, because they are a reflection of the true desires of the soul. This is the best time to remember that there is an inner child in each of us. From the point of view of archetypal psychotherapy, it is this that brings us closest to our Self, our real and true «I». In Sanskrit it is called Atma — your own personal Om, that divine principle within that seeks to play its own part in the great Universal Orchestra.
When setting a wish, it is important not only to follow various recommendations, which are now enough. First of all, you should turn to the Universe with a sincere intention and wish that the realization of your dream will bring happiness to you, your relatives and at the same time be useful for the whole world.
And in order to unite with the field of our love for Ukraine, wish that together with your wish, the aspiration of all sincere Ukrainians who wish for the prosperity of their native land will come true. Then you are asking not only for yourself, but for something major and this major will surely take care of your personal desire as well. The main thing is to be genuine in your intention, because only sincerity can lead to a real result.
– Can we tune our energy flows to make our wishes come true easily?
– Access to this flow that makes our dreams come true is in our heart. This is the part of “Me” that still believes in miracles. Unfortunately, many have lost that connection, stopped trusting life and with that loss ease and inspiration also disappeared.
– How to restore this connection?
– In the pre-New Year and Christmas period, the general field of belief in miracles becomes especially strong in the world – and you can use this wave of kindness and light. Try two simple steps:
- Visualize yourself as a child, at the age when you believed in miracles. «Communicate» with your inner child as if you were a wizard or a fairy. Allow you to feel immediacy and inspiration again, reconnect, listen and experience the joy of meeting.
- Do a good deed during the Christmas and New Year holidays. The one we call the Holy Miracle Worker simply did good deeds that became a miracle for others. Therefore, let your good deeds become a nourishing energy for the realization of a miracle in your life.
Remember that when your heart rediscovers the belief in miracles, your wishes can come true with amazing ease.
– They say that in order to support someone, you need to be able to support yourself personally. How can Ukrainians take care of their own Light Protection, so that they have the strength to help those who are on the front lines?
– You are absolutely right: your question already contains part of the answer. Each of us, Ukrainians, has not only a physical body, which is part of the material world, but also a body of light, in modern science it is called «quantum». It is because of this quantum (light) aspect that we are all united in a single multidimensional field. It can be tuned to different frequencies and vibrations.
In the Research Laboratory of the International Academy of Atmalogy, we have developed a quantum technique called «Atmasatsang Sophia». Its effectiveness has been confirmed by the Lisbon laboratory. We invite every Ukrainian to join this light-bearing practice in order to raise the general «frequency of sound» of our common field of love. It will take only 21 minutes: it will be enough to lie quietly listenning pleasant music, keeping in mind that you are contributing to the Light Protection of our heroes.
Within this technique we gain access to the spectrum of energies known in Christianity as the «Holy Spirit» and in Gnosticism as the energy of «Sophia», the Soul of God, the Mother of the World, the Vedic ParaMatMa. In Slavic traditions, this power was called «SVA» – Verse Vibration, First Word, what is called «Glory» or «Pure Light». Thus, modern knowledge reveals the deep origins of these great forces that influence our lives even today, we can scientifically explain what was previously considered mystical and incomprehensible. From time immemorial, you and I have known the power of common prayer, but today we offer you something much more, quantum nanotechnology of light accumulation and transmission.
You can find information about Atmasatsang Sophia on any of our official resources. Join not by word, but by action!
– With what words will you address our readers in these Christmas and New Year days?
– Falling asleep and waking up, wish Ukraine strength and prosperity with the subtle intention that with this, you «illuminate» the realization of the best destiny of our native country. Know that if the country is strong and prosperous, then the people in it are the same! Therefore, in order not to be stupid – study to be rich – work to be strong – train to have well-being, become it for others to be strong – unite. To be with your own, look for your own. And the most important thing: do not believe, but act, because faith without action is dead.
Glory to Ukraine!