Перейти до панелі інструментів

Від переживань 24 лютого 2022 р. до створення успішного бізнесу за кордоном, що поєднує освіту, красу та особистісний розвиток. Історія Юлії НАМЛІЄВОЇ – це джерело натхнення для всіх, хто шукає сили та підтримки в складні часи.

– Юліє, Ви українка. Як Ви відреагували на події майже трирічної давнини?
– Так, я українка, і пишаюся цим! Моя реакція була такою ж, як і в більшості наших співвітчизників. Я не могла повірити, що усе це відбувається насправді.
На момент 24 лютого 2022 р. я перебувала у мами в Дніпрі, оскільки саме в тамтешній лікарні моїй доньці зробили чергову операцію. Через її неспроможність самостійно спускатися до бомбосховища та через те, що молодшій донечці було лише два роки, вже за тиждень після початку війни я вирішила вивезти своїх дітей і маму за кордон.
Додому, до Києва, я так і не повернулася – біля мого будинку вже стояли ворожі танки.
Маючи фахову освіту, професійний досвід і зв’язки в галузі вищої освіти, у квітні 2022 року я заснувала компанію, що працює в кількох напрямах:


Іrom the experiences of 24 February 2022 to creating a successful business abroad that combines education, beauty and personal development. Yulia Namliyeva’s story is a source of inspiration for anyone looking for strength and support in difficult times.

– Yulia, you are Ukrainian. How did you react to the events of almost three years ago?
– Yes, I am Ukrainian, and I am proud of it! My reaction was the same as that of most of our compatriots. I could not believe that this was really happening.
As of February 24, 2022 I was staying with my mother in Dnipro, because it was in the hospital there that my daughter underwent another operation. Due to her inability to go down to the bomb shelter on her own, and due to the fact that my youngest daughter was only two years old, I decided to take my children and mother abroad already a week after the start of the war.
I never returned home to Kyiv, as enemy tanks were already standing near my house.
With professional education, pro­fessional experience and connections in the field of higher education, in April 2022 I founded a company that works in several directions:
Recognition of educational docu­ments. We help to adapt Ukrainian educational documents to the requirements of Bulgaria.
Facilitating admission to Bulga­rian universities. We provide consultations, information support and ensure preferential study conditions for Ukrainian citizens.
In addition, I opened a beauty salon where Ukrainian craftswomen not only work but also pass on their professional skills to those who want to master the field of beauty.
– You are also the founder of a personal development school. What kind of requests do Ukrainian women most often come to you with?
– Every conversation I have with women who have been forced to leave their homes impresses me with their resilience and strength of spirit. Many of them have difficult and sometimes tragic migration stories. They leave their statuses behind, learn a new language, and accept jobs they have long outgrown, all in order to support their families.
Despite the difficult circumstances, these women remain well-groomed, elegant, with their heads held high. I am happy that I can support them by providing psychological help, conducting group classes or helping to solve practical issues – from placing children to educational institutions to adaptation in a new environment.
– What other activities does your centre carry out?
– The most pleasant part of the centre’s work for me is communication with children.
During the summer vacation, we have a camp where children participate in various clubs, relax in the fresh air and swim in the pool. Such a program not only strengthens their health, but also promotes socialization.
– What would you recommend to our readers to support themselves in these difficult times?
– For a harmonious life, I advise:
Take care of your physical and psychological state. Find something that restores your resources and adds you energy.
Develop the ability to be grateful. Focus on what you already have, not on what you lack. This will help you to be filled with positive emotions and appreciate your surroundings.
Listen to your intuition. It will show you the right path and help you find a place where you will be fulfilled and happy.
Sincerely Director of the Centre for Personal Development, owner of a beauty salon, psychologist, teacher and esotericist Yulia NAMLIYEVA

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