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Як повномасштабне вторгнення вплинуло на розвиток культури та дитячої творчісті. Що необхідно, щоб виростити справжню творчу особистість? Як дитяча творчість впливає на процес духовного відновлення нації. Про це ми спілкуємось з керівником школи мистецтв із 15-річним досвідом у сфері мистецької освіти. Володаркою звання «Зірка культурної дипломатії 2024», учасницею престижного проекту «Кращий педагог 2024», людиною, що долучена до наукових досліджень у сфері музичного мистецтва, що має почесні відзнаки за внесок у розвиток дитячої творчості та популяризацію української культури – Світланою БАТАЗОВОЮ


Нow did the full-scale invasion affect the development of culture and children’s creativity? What is necessary to grow a real creative personality? How children’s creativity affects the process of spiritual restoration of the nation. We talk about this with the head of the art school with 15 years of experience in the field of art education Svitlana BATAZOVA, a holder of the title “Star of Cultural Diplomacy 2024”, a participant of the prestigious project “Best Teacher 2024”, a person involved in scientific research in the field of musical art who has honorary awards for her contribution to the development of children’s creativity and the popularization of Ukrainian culture.

– Mrs. Svitlana, good afternoon. It is wonderful that we have the opportunity to communicate with you on such an important topic as children’s creativity. You are the head of an art school. Tell me, what assessment would you give to the current situation in this area?
– The situation in the field of art in Ukraine, especially children’s and youth art, is both difficult and promising. The war brought challenges such as the destruction of infrastructure, limited funding and psychological pressure on teachers and students. However, despite the difficulties, there is a growing interest in art as a means of self-expression and recovery. Fostering creativity among children is becoming a key tool in rebuilding the nation and art schools play an important role in this.
– Talented children of Ukraine have the right to the best level of education. And it is your school that provides it. Let’s talk more about the theory and practice that your teachers provide to Ukrainian children.
– Our art school combines classical teaching methods with modern approaches. Teachers pay great attention not only to the development of technical skills in various disciplines, from music to painting, but also to the cultivation of creative thinking. In theory classes, students learn the basics of composition, harmony, and art history, and in practical classes, they implement their ideas through creative projects.
We pay special attention to creating an inclusive environment where every child can show their talent. Thanks to our teachers, who are not only masters of their craft but also sincere mentors, children receive a solid foundation for further professional development or simply find a source of joy in art.
– Ukrainian culture overcomes new «borders» every day. What are you personally striving for as the head of the institution?
– Personally, I strive to make our school an example of high-quality art education that meets the challenges of our time. We dream of expanding international cooperation, participating in competitions and exhibitions that open the world to our children. At the same time, it is important to preserve and promote Ukrainian culture as a national heritage.
– What is real art for you? What does it reveal in you?
– True art is not just a technique or knowledge. It is a dialogue with yourself and the world. It helps you understand emotions that are difficult to express in words and see beauty even in the most difficult moments of life. For me, art is a source of strength and inspiration that I try to pass on to my students.
– Art, as you know, is a strong driving force. What do you most desire today?
– My biggest goal is to create conditions where every child can reveal their potential and feel that their talent matters. Today, it is important that children not only gain knowledge, but also believe in their ability to change the world through creativity. Therefore, I want to address adults: “Dear parents, your support is the basis for the success of your children. If you see creative potential in your child, don’t be afraid to give him or her the opportunity to flourish. Come to us, and together we will build their future!”




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