Even though today it is quite hard for people to get back to the idea of a peaceful and comfortable life, we should still remember that bad times are always followed by good times. It is worth mentioning that in the distant post-war 1947, Christian Dior presented his first collection in Paris and brought the woman-muse back to life. And our goal today is to create beauty and believe in a brighter future. With Victoria MAMONOVA, a designer and stylist, the founder of the VITA HARITA brand, we will talk about fashion, which certainly affects positive changes in our lives.

I have always had an inborn ability to feel clothes, come up with new images and create them from fabric. It is an endless stream of creativity. I have a gift for supporting people, finding and highlighting their strengths, helping rise above their limitations.
– Victoria, thank you for finding time for the interview at this difficult time. Could you please share your observations on how fashion has changed over the past few years?
– Not so long time ago humanity fought the pandemic, which has made its own changes to the fashion world. Isolation prevented people from expressing themselves, demonstrating their beauty and inner world. Tracksuits, hoodies, and oversize clothing have become fashionable. However, today we are crossing the borderline that reveals the uniqueness of every woman. This is some kind of trend rejection, the creative originality of an individual is now coming to the fore. People are tired of dullness, today everyone wants victory and an explosion of colors. Everything bright, prints, short skirts, fringes, short tops, jumpsuits are becoming more and more fashionable… This is literally a challenge to mundanity.
– And what about young people? What is their attitude to fashion and trends?
– The new young generation of zoomers, who were born with gadgets in their hands, are not interested in fashion – they are virtual. Therefore, today, more than ever before, stylists’ services are relevant for them. Such experts can determine the role of a person in society, understand what they aspire to. It allows to literally create a harmonious inner world through appearance. People who take into account the importance of individuality want to show their inner world. And to do this, regardless of how strange it may seem, it is the stylist who can help.
– Victoria, what if people like your style, and they strive to imitate particularly it? How do you as a stylist act in such a situation?
– In this case, my job is to explain to the people that they should not follow someone else’s style. It is important to define who you are and what you want to express through your clothes and your lifestyle, what you radiate wearing some particular clothes… Style is our inner world and uniqueness. And if while communicating with other people, you portray an image that does not correspond to your real self, you risk disappointing the one who took your image at face value. By trusting and opening up to me as a stylist, you will receive a unique style map which usually has about 80 slides with color combinations, shapes, textures, capsule sets, accessories…
– What do you as a designer think about the capsule collection?
– There are people who do not have their own style, and in this case, it is best to get advice from a stylist on creating a capsule wardrobe. I can guarantee it will always be harmonious.
– Victoria, could you please tell us about your brand – what makes it unique?
– The brand name VITA HARITA refers us to ancient Greek mythology, to the goddesses of BEAUTY, JOY, and ABUNDANCE. VITA means “life” in Latin. My brand is about being natural, unique, and individual. It helps to look stylish and stay natural at the same time. My clothes will breathe life into every woman. It is very important because for many people clothing is protection against inner self-doubt. I want to help people see themselves and their power through clothes. Being beautiful, abundant, and joyful is a natural state given to us by nature. We just need to allow it.
– Victoria, how are you going to dress up Ukrainian women in the future?
– I would like to bring back to women the love of fashion after the war, to help them return to everyday life, to let them forget all the horrors they had to experience, to discover the uniqueness and individuality in every woman. These will certainly be bright colors, unexpected design solutions, high-quality fabrics, the combination of elegance and convenience in one look.
What we have inside is also outside. Every thought we have matters, every emotion we have matters. Let’s radiate light, let’s radiate peace, fill our hearts with light and love! I would like to invite everyone who wants to find their own style, their uniqueness, and improve the quality of their lives.